Who We Are

We are a partnership of community health centers, patient, provider, and consumer advocates, and leaders from the biopharmaceutical industry working to ensure the 340B program supports true safety-net providers and the communities they serve.
Our members have not always seen eye-to-eye on how to improve the 340B program. But we have come together now because of the urgent need for action. This unlikely alliance reinforces the urgency for action today to ensure the long-term viability of the program for tomorrow.
As we continue to grow the alliance, it will reflect the voices of a broad range of safety-net providers who support strengthening the 340B program.
Our Partners
Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations *lackdoctor.org
* ASAP 340B Founding Partner
Thomas L. Johnson, Executive Director

Thomas Johnson is the Executive Director of ASAP 340B. A native of Washington, DC, he brings 30 years of professional experience in the health care, nonprofit and association management space.
Mr. Johnson served for nine years as President and CEO of Medicaid Health Plans of America (“MHPA”), a trade association representing health plans in the Medicaid business. In his role at MHPA, he led advocacy efforts involving the Affordable Care Act, as well as other policy issues affecting the Medicaid managed care industry. Mr. Johnson was President and CEO of the DC Hospital Association. Mr. Johnson also served as the Vice President of Compliance and External Affairs with DC Chartered Health Plan, a Medicaid health plan in Washington, DC, and as Senior Advisor to the Gorman Health Group, a consulting firm focused on assisting government-sponsored health plans. Mr. Johnson was also a staff Director with the Greater Washington Board of Trade, and legislative director with the Medical Society of the District of Columbia.
Mr. Johnson has also served on a number of boards and commissions. He is currently the Chair of the Board of the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America. Other boards he has served on include the DC Prisoners Legal Services Project, the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County, and the DC Association of Health Maintenance Organizations.