The 340B ACCESS Act (H.R. 8574) is the comprehensive, meaningful solution needed to ensure the 340B program can fulfill its mission of helping underserved communities by increasing access to affordable drugs and health services. The coalition is proud to support this bill because it is broadly aligned with ASAP 340B’s ten policy principles, which reflect the consensus of our members and have guided the organization’s work to pursue needed reforms to the 340B program.
Highlights of the 340B ACCESS Act include:

Ensures 340B Discounts Are Lowering Costs for Vulnerable Patients
For the first time ever, the 340B program will lower out-of-pocket drug costs for up to 48 million underserved Americans.
Prioritizes Safety-Net Providers
The bill ensures Community Health Centers and other grantees can continue their valuable mission while incentivizing hospitals to maintain facilities closer to underserved, patients. It also protects access to care in rural communities. and modernizes the program for contract pharmacy arrangements.
Improves Transparency and Accountability and Protects the 340B Program From Abuse
New safeguards protect the program from abuse by for-profit entities, like PBMs, who have been skimming from the program for years. New transparency measures aim to prevent misuse and ensure equal accountability for all covered entities in the program.